Now I choose to live…

**Trigger warning. **




The past month and a half has been incredibly difficult. I was supposed to get married, but things were called off. They should have been months ago… Ending a 2 year relationship and engagement wasn’t easy. However, the warning signs were there. The red flags were waving. I ignored them till i couldn’t anymore.  I made the best decision for myself and my son. I will not crumble or yield. I will not apologize for making the decision i did. I didn’t ask for emotional abuse or manipulative behavior, and I sure as hell won’t put up with it.   At first I was angry.. Now, I’m ok. I’m at peace with my choice, it’s been months in the making. I shouldn’t have let it get so far. My choice was the only one to make.  I know there’s anger on his side, but I needed to do what’s best for my son and I. I won’t apologize for that.

Emotional abuse is hell. Manipulative behavior is hell. Being made to walk on eggshells day after day so you don’t set them off, is hell. Suicide threats when things go south, or not getting his way.  I can’t live like that, I shouldn’t feel guilty for my feelings. But I was made to feel guilty. Constantly apologizing, constantly on edge watching what I say. I couldn’t be honest, because it turned into an argument, all the time.  Not to say we didn’t have good times, because we did. We had a lot of them, but those don’t outweigh the red flags. They don’t outweigh the potential for things to go so bad, so quickly. Sadly, they did. It was toxic. There was no fixing it. Lies and Deceit, and anger have no place in my life.  I put on a fake smile, and on facebook everything seemed perfect. Everything seemed fine… However a few were able to see past the facade I had in place. They saw behind the mask I wore.

His actions, and the stress led me to having a drink, then another. The first time in 10 years.. That night a phone call gave me a wake up call. (no one was injured. Just a blast from the past) That person knows me better than anyone else. He immediately understood my struggle, he understood my pain. He made me realize that this’s not me. I allowed someone else’s actions to break me. To break my strength. And that is utter bullshit. Two more nights, one drink each night.. Two more nights… I realized, while staring at my wedding gown that this..this relationship had been toxic. That I hid who I was. I let my strength die. My inner light dim. My friend caught onto it all. He reminded me of my strength, of who I am. Who and What I can be. He reminded me of the Phoenix within me. The power I always held. The dreams and hopes i’d always had.

My life has been difficult the last few years. Between my health, and other personal issues. My health has led to insecurities, and fear. It’s led to anxiety and depression. Through it all, I forgot to live. I just merely existed. I tabled my dreams, my goals, my ambitions, my faith and my hope.. Why?? Why did I do that?? Why did I hide part of myself? Why did I feel the need to?? There’s so many reasons. Reasons i’m not ready to share yet. Perhaps soon. I’m at a point where i’m almost ready to share it.. To bare that piece of my soul.

For now though, now i’m tired of just existing. I’m tired of not living!! I’m tired of being prisoner to my body! I’m tired of tabling my hopes and dreams. I’m tired of hiding who I am, so I don’t intimidate anyone. No more, More more will I just merely exist. I’m choosing to live. I’m choosing to travel. To love..oh to love fiercely… To smile.. Most importantly, to be happy! I’m choosing to not just exist. I’m going to live life to the fullest. I have faith, and hope.. With those anything is possible.


#imaphoenix, #spoonie, #emotionalabuse, #imstronger #iknowmyworth, #dontignorethesigns



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