Mariela’s Story

Hello, my name is Mariela. After years of stomach issues and many tests/ procedures, I got diagnosed with Gastroparesis in December 2020. I was relieved to finally be diagnosed; however, little did I know the battle I would be up against in receiving proper treatment. I have tried medications, dietary changes, Botox—but nothing has helped relieve my symptoms.

Gastroparesis has not only been physically challenging, but emotionally challenging as well. Going from doctor to doctor only to be told there is nothing else they can do for me after failed treatment has taken a huge toll on not only myself, but to those around me, too. This illness can be socially isolating since food is a huge part of our everyday lives. Having to advocate for myself has been exhausting since I have experienced medical gaslighting prior to receiving my diagnosis.

Gastroparesis has affected every aspect of my life including work and school—but I promised myself to keep going even if it takes writing essays in the hospital. Even though living with nausea 24/7, vomiting, fatigue, pain, bloating, and body changes have become huge challenges in my life, Gastroparesis has shown me my strength. Gastroparesis has made me a stronger person and has brought me so much wisdom.

I am committed to helping raise awareness because us GP warriors deserve a cure! For everyone who has Gastroparesis, you are STRONG and AMAZING! Keep fighting and advocating for yourself because every time you advocate for yourself, you advocate for all of us. Always remember—no matter how isolated you may feel at times, you are never alone!