Dog and Sunlight= Laughs and Crawling

Here’s a laugh for ya! So I was inside relaxing, since I leave for  Vanderbilt tonight and I hear my dog barking like crazy. I  go outside not realizing how sunny it is. I’m instantly blinded, dizzy and just dropped to my knees. Now i’m crawling through the backyard on my hands and knees, to get her with my eyes closed because of the sunlight.. I had no idea what she was growling and barking at. So I finally got her!  30 minutes later she’s whining at the door to go out, I let her out thinking she has to go potty, but noooo not my Lillie Belle!!!!!.. Then, what do I hear????  The barking and growling again:  This time I went out prepared for battle..I had sunglasses and shoes,  and was prepared to crawl again if I had to dammit!  I heard hissing and the bushes were moving like crazy all down the fence WTH!!! ..She wasn’t backing down, I’m screaming for her, telling her to come, she wasn’t backing down. She was like “This bitch is mine! Mom”  LOL . I finally got her away from it, and in the house.  Then she starts pacing the living room whining to go back out and get it. So i’m assuming it’s a raccoon by her actions. lol. Our good little hunting dog!  I called my dad and he got a good laugh, though he was glad I’m alright. He said maybe a opossum. Maybe it’s a honey badger?! (for those that got the joke, good on you!)  Whatever it is, she wants it!  Hope this added some laughter to your day, because it sure did to mine!

Moral of the story: Just laugh, even if it’s at yourself. 🙂 I could have gotten angry, but what’s the point?

So..Who would win??? LOL 🙂

Lillie Belle     2013-11-09 20.22.02    Vs          raccoon The Raccoon

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