Body Positivity.. I’m a work in progress

This story was also posted in The Mighty.

Two years ago I hated my body. A year ago, I still struggled. I struggled with my self esteem, my self worth. I worked so hard to find what I love about myself, to find me. To love me.

I struggled immensely after two urgent surgeries in 2019 that left me with feeding tubes and a 4” scar down my abdomen. I struggled so much with self esteem, confidence and loving my body. I couldn’t see past them.  Working with Emma and Lindsey from LuLi&Co, helped me to regain that confidence back. Thank you both for helping me to find myself, and to love myself again..

In January 2021, I had an urgent surgery to place a colostomy. I knew it was an eventuality, but it became a reality far sooner than I’d thought. After surgery I posted a photo of myself wearing a bikini (photo below) in an Ostomy Group. While most comments were supportive, quite a few were not. I was told I should be ashamed of myself for wearing a bikini. Ashamed for even considering wearing a crop top. That it was disgusting to wear such things and have my ostomy, or tubes on display like I was proud of them. In what should have been a supportive group, I was torn down. I was told I was disgusting, shameful. That it was the equivalent to having my butthole showing. Vulgar I know, but that’s what I was told. I was embarrassed for sharing a moment I was so proud of after spending years building the confidence to even wear a bikini. I cried. I let their words affect me. Being told by others in a group that was supposed to be supportive that it was disgusting, or something I should be ashamed of, is disheartening.

What bothers and hurts me the most, is how women are tearing each other down. There is so much negativity, judgmental and just harsh comments. Why tear someone else down? Why? If you don’t want to wear a bikini, don’t. However why tear down someone that does?? I am so immensely passionate about body positivity. Our young women see these comments. They see the judgment.. We’re letting them down, by shaming those that are confident, comfortable and accepting of their body. I want a young women with a feeding tube to feel confident in herself. To NOT fear what others will think, or say.

Emma posted about a project she was working on about body positivity. I jumped at the opportunity to be part of it. To show my vulnerability, share my story.. These photos below are a product of the project. The message is clear…

I have never hidden my struggles with my insecurities, I have been open and vocal about my journey to regain my confidence, to accept and love my body as it is. While wearing a bikini, or crop top to some might be weird or uncomfortable due to having a tube, or ostomy, I’m going to live my life for me. I will never hide who I am. I have fully embraced myself, and my body. I’ve become a fierce advocate for body positivity. I have worked to accept my body as it is. To accept me as I am. My tubes, scars and ostomy do not take away my worth, nor do they define my beauty. They are part of me, and yes I’m proud of them. Simply because with them, it means I’m alive. Words have power, but ultimately we are the ones that decide their power. I refuse to let the words of others impact or tear me down any longer. I may still have my moments, but I am not letting anyone dictate my beauty, or my worth. Neither should you.

To LuLi&Co, and Andrea Shea Photography, you have helped me to accept myself as I am. To see myself as beautiful. As strong, as amazing. Thank you so much. You have no idea what’s meant to me.

2 thoughts on “Body Positivity.. I’m a work in progress

  1. I think you are beautiful! No one should shame someone else for any medical condition they have or device they use. Thank you for speaking out, sharing your story, and giving others encouragement to be positive about their own bodies!

    1. Thank you so much! I share, so others don’t feel alone, or if it helps just one person! I don’t want anyone to go through what I did, or give up, or even lose their self worth. I want to encourage others to see their beauty and strength. 🙂

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